
The Loremaster’s Arena

A classic quiz tailormade for the folks who strive with their knowledge of both the history and present-day world of Culture and Entertainment across the globe. Have what it takes to be the lore master? Join the ensemble to find out!

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The Witch’s Tale

This one is for the ever enthusiastic and mysterious writers out there. Let the budding author in you engage in marvelous wordplay. In this heist of words and phrases, the best story shall rise!

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You’re on a plane that is about to crash. There are four eminent personalities, and then there’s you. There is only one parachute left. The only way to survive is to grab that parachute by convincing others that you have more importance to bring to the world than them.

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The Goblin’s Forte

For those blurred lines between what’s right and what’s wrong, awaits a trail of everything that is simply immoral and wicked. How well do you succumb to your vices, how well do you know them really?

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The Devil’s Advocate

Do you have what it takes to see both sides of the coin? If yes, then the turncoat should be right up your alley. Here’s a test of your demeanor under duress, your ability to defend both sides of a motion, and your conviction. Bring your best arguments forward in this game of switching stances.

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